In the upper right of the Viewer is a Pushpin button. Finally, use the far right to change the rotation of the data in the Viewer. You can also use this to define an elevation source and report an elevation value with your coordinate display.
In the left and center of the Status bar, you will see coordinates reported based on the cursor location over data displayed in the Viewer. Once a Shoebox is created and displayed in the Retriever pane, you can use a simple drag-and-drop to load data from the Retriever to the Viewer.Ģ 1:44 Along the bottom is the Status bar. This pane is used to create a Shoebox file that provides quick access to project specific data. It reports the type of Viewers open and the order the data is displayed within each Viewer. The Contents pane shows you all Viewers and data you have open in the Workspace. The tabs are dynamic and will change based on the active layer in the Contents will see this in more detail in a minute. 1:06 Tools are organized in tabs, and as you click on a tab, new tools become available. All major functionality available in ERDAS IMAGINE can be found along the ribbon. Along the top of the interface is the ribbon. The File tab contains functions that allow you to open layers, save layers, set user preferences and several other tools. Below the Quick Access Toolbar is the File tab. You will see later that these tools remain available as you click though other tabs on the ribbon. This toolbar is easily customized to contain the tools you use most often. In the upper left is the Quick Access Toolbar. First you should understand the basic layout of the workspace. Designed with the user experience in mind, tools are organized in dynamic tabs along an easy to use ribbon interface. 0:21 This is the ERDAS IMAGINE interface. In this module you will become familiar with the basic layout of the ERDAS IMAGINE interface and see where to find commonly used tools.
#Erdas imagine 2014 tutorial pdf software
Software Data ERDAS IMAGINE tm_00.img (Landsat image) seattle_wv-2.img (WorldView-2 image) Transcript 0:09 Thank you for watching Introduction to ERDAS IMAGINE Workspace from Hexagon Geospatial.
#Erdas imagine 2014 tutorial pdf how to
1 Introduction INTRODUCTION TO THE ERDAS IMAGINE WORKSPACE etraining Understand the basic layout of the ERDAS IMAGINE interface and walk you through how to use common interface tools.